VivoSight Dynamic OCT has proven value for research into the differential diagnosis and monitoring treatments of inflammatory skin disease:
- Quantification and monitoring of inflammatory disease severity
- Detecting and measuring subclinical disease effects
- Quantification of pharmaceutical treatment effects on Atopic Dermatitis (AD)
- Accurate, rapid in-vivo measurement of contact dermatitis patch tests
Quantification and Monitoring
Overcome subjectivity with objective OCT measurements
- Objective measurement of skin response informs therapeutic impact
- Subjective assessment does not pick up subclinical disease
- Visual scoring is observer dependent and relatively insensitive
VivoSight Dx detects, measures and analyzes AD related skin changes, such as:
- Epidermal remodeling and thickness measurement
- Inflammation and hidden abnormalities, as measured by alterations in vascular morphology, density and blood flow
- Optical attenuation, as a proxy for collagen density Skin surface roughness
AD severity is characterized by increased epidermal thickness and hypertrophy
Vascular Alterations
Vascular Alterations Depth of the Superficial Vascular Plexus (SVP) appears to increase with AD severity and may serve as a proxy for epidermal thickness [1].
The SVP depth may represent a robust biomarker for quantifying the severity of clinical and subclinical AD, as epidermal thickness may be difficult to measure directly in severe AD cases due to a not well demarcated dermo-epidermal junction (DEJ).
- A selection of 2D angiographic OCT images of the cubital fossa illustrates correlation by showing significant differences in detected superficial vascular plexus (SVP) depth for different EASI scores, and further showing morphological differences [1]
Measurement and management of Sub-clinical AD
Detecting subclinical disease may lead to better control of treatment regime
- Unlike existing subjective clinical assessment, VivoSight Dynamic OCT can measure subclinical changes to the skin
- These subclinical changes may provide early indication of a disease flare up, and of response to treatment
- This capability offers potential for improved control of Atopic Dermatitis and other inflammatory conditions using novel treatment strategies with proactive, earlier and less aggressive therapy regimes [1]
Better Control of Flares through Monitoring with dynamic OCT
Visualise and quantify subclinical AD for advanced, proactive management
Quantification of Pharmaceutical Treatment Effects on AD
Shorten timelines of pharmaceutical research
- Recently, a correlation between clinical improvement of AD and dynamic OCT imaging metrics has been demonstrated on patients undergoing a systemic therapy [2]
- OCT biomarkers quantify pharmaceutical treatment effects to more efficiently accelerate drug development cycles
Significant OCT metrics for pharmaceutical treatment effects:
- In-vivo measurement of vessel density, diameter and plexus depth
- Epidermal thickness
- Collagen density
Use of OCT for Patch Test Grading and Evaluation of Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD)
- Overcome subjectivity of patch test grading
- More effectively distinguish between allergic and irritant contact dermatitis
- Correlate OCT morphological and objective measures with type and severity of patch test reactions [3]
OCT detects clear-cut features and measures for the distinction between healthy skin, allergic and contact dermatitis (see table below) [3]
VivoSight OCT can be helpful for a more objective evaluation, especially in weak or unclear reactions. An opportunity exists to develop a standardized algorithm for OCT-aided patch test grading [3]:
1. Byers RA, Maiti R, Danby SG, Pang EJ, Mitchell B, Carre MJ, Lewis R, Cork MJ, Matcher SJ. Sub-clinical assessment of atopic dermatitis severity using angiographic optical coherence tomography. Biomedical Optics Express (BOE), Vol. 9, No. 4, 1 Apr 2018.
2. Manfredini M, Liberati S, Ciardo S, et al. Microscopic and functional changes observed with dynamic optical coherence tomography for severe refractory atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab. Skin Res Technol. 2020;00:1–9.
3. Ruini, C, Rahimi, F, Fiocco, Z, et al. Optical coherence tomography for patch test grading: A prospective study on its use for noninvasive diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis. 2020; 1– 9.
4. Rajabi‐Estarabadi, A., Vasquez‐Herrera, N., Martinez‐Velasco, M., Tsatalis, J., Verne, S., Nouri, K. and Tosti, A. (2020), Optical coherence tomography in diagnosis of inflammatory scalp disorders. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 34: 2147-2151. doi:10.1111/jdv.16304
5. Bieber T. Atopic Dermatitis. Ann Dermatol. 2010 May;22(2):125-137.
6. Langan SM, Irvine AD, Weidinger S. Atopic dermatitis. Lancet. 2020 Aug 1;396(10247):345-360. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31286-1. Erratum in: Lancet. 2020 Sep 12;396(10253):758. PMID: 32738956.
7. Conti A, Ciardo S, Mandel VD, Bigi L, Pellacani G. Speckled variance optical coherence tomography for the assessment of nail involvement in acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau: A case study. Journal of International Medical Research 2016, Vol. 44(1S) 119–123
Explore the research and clinical applications for VivoSight
Advance Your Research and Development Programs
VivoSight Dx in combination with VivoTools image analysis software visualizes and quantifies treatment effects.
See the Whole Picture to Improve Outcomes
VivoSight Dx produces high resolution imaging of skin sub-structures and vascular networks to aid in patient care